304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Year 2016

eLearnSecurity 4 in a Box

As it has been some time since my last certification, I finally signed up for the eLearnSecurity 4 in a box bundle. Ray DoyleRay Doyle is an avid pentester/security enthusiast/beer connoisseur who has worked in IT for almost 16 years…

Migrated to DigitalOcean!

After some prodding from my co-workers, and constant harassment about my site’s “security”, I decided to move to the DigitalOcean cloud. Ray DoyleRay Doyle is an avid pentester/security enthusiast/beer connoisseur who has worked in IT for almost 16 years now.…

Building a Python reverse shell

This week I decided to put together a basic Python reverse shell. The main purpose of this was to act like a meterpreter/nc reverse shell while being more customizable and (hopefully) harder to detect. Ray DoyleRay Doyle is an avid…